Leaders not only lead by example but also set the standard.

Creating a space where people can have fun, build community, and grow spiritually is extremely rewarding.
You don’t need to have it all together. You just have to be willing to let God use you as you take this next step.
Life Group Leader Qualifications


Complete Growth Track

Complete all four steps!
In Growth Track you will learn what it means to be a part of the Life family, discover your gifts and talents, and develop them through leadership training.



Serve on the Dream Team for six months, at least two weekends a month. Serving is one of the fundamental pillars of our church!



The Bible teaches that we worship the Lord by bringing Him our tithe, which is typically 10% of our annual income. It is through our generosity that we impact our community and the world. It’s a privilege to worship and honor God with our resources.


Submit Application

Fill out a Life Group Leader application today!
For any other questions or information, please email, life@youbelongatlife.org