What Is An Encounter With Jesus


When we think of an encounter with Jesus, our minds often conjure up images of dramatic, supernatural experiences - visions, miracles, or profound spiritual moments that leave us forever changed. And while these types of encounters certainly do occur, the true definition of an "encounter" is much broader and more accessible than we might assume.

According to Merriam-Webster, an encounter is simply "to come upon face to face" or "to experience, especially unexpectedly." This means that an encounter with the Lord can happen in the most casual, everyday moments - a quiet time of prayer, a conversation with a friend, or even a season of loneliness or struggle. The key is being open and attentive to the ways God may be revealing Himself to us, even in the most ordinary circumstances.

Embracing the Tension of Difficult Encounters

One aspect of the dictionary definition that may surprise us is the idea that an encounter can also be "difficult or hostile" - something we must "engage in conflict with." This suggests that our encounters with Jesus may not always be comfortable or pleasant. In fact, some of the most profound biblical examples of encountering God involved intense struggle and even apparent hostility.

Take the story of Jacob, for instance. As he was traveling alone, Jacob found himself wrestling with a mysterious "man" through the night. This encounter left him physically wounded, yet also transformed, as he emerged with a new name and a deeper understanding of God's power. Similarly, the apostle Paul's dramatic conversion on the road to Damascus began with a blinding light and a voice challenging him - hardly the warm, fuzzy feeling we might expect.

Encountering Jesus in the Midst of Suffering

These biblical accounts remind us that an encounter with the divine is not always a smooth or easy experience. In fact, some of our most significant encounters with Jesus may come precisely in the midst of our greatest struggles and suffering. When we find ourselves isolated, persecuted, or facing seemingly impossible circumstances, it is often in those very moments that the Lord meets us in powerful and unexpected ways.

The apostle Paul understood this truth firsthand. In 2 Corinthians, he writes about the "treasure" of the gospel being carried in "fragile clay jars" - a metaphor for the way God's power is manifested through our weakness and suffering. Paul experienced this personally, as he was "pressed on every side by troubles" yet not crushed, "perplexed" but not driven to despair, "hunted down" but never abandoned.

Encountering Jesus in the Ordinary and Everyday

While dramatic, miraculous encounters certainly have their place, we must not overlook the ways Jesus may be revealing Himself to us in the midst of our daily lives. Perhaps it's the quiet sense of His presence during your morning devotional, the timely word of encouragement from a friend, or the unexpected peace that settles over you in the midst of a storm. These ordinary moments can be just as much an "encounter" with the living God as the most spectacular visions or healings.

The key is cultivating an awareness and attentiveness to the ways Jesus may be speaking to us, even when it doesn't feel spectacular or supernatural. As the apostle Paul reminds us, the "great power" of the gospel is not found in our own strength or abilities, but in the treasure of Christ's life within us - a treasure that can be experienced in both the mountaintops and the valleys of our lives.

Encountering Jesus Through Community

Another important aspect of encountering Jesus is the role of the Christian community. While our personal, individual experiences with God are vital, we must not overlook the ways Jesus reveals Himself through our relationships with other believers. Whether it's the encouragement of a small group, the wisdom of a mentor, or the support of a church family, these human connections can become conduits for encountering the living Christ.

In the book of Acts, we see the early church devoted to "the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers." (Acts 2:42). It was in the context of this vibrant community that the believers experienced the powerful presence of the risen Lord. Similarly, the apostle Paul speaks of the "light" of God's glory being manifested "in the face of Jesus Christ" - a light that shines not only in our individual hearts but also through the collective witness of the Body of Christ.

Embracing the Fullness of Encountering Jesus

An encounter with Jesus can take on a wide variety of forms - from the dramatic to the mundane, from the joyful to the painful. But in each case, the common thread is a personal, transformative experience of the living God. Whether it's a sudden vision, a prolonged struggle, or a quiet moment of connection, these encounters have the power to shake us out of our complacency and draw us deeper into the life-changing reality of the gospel.

So, let’s approach each day with an expectant heart, ready to receive the Lord in whatever way He chooses to reveal Himself. In the midst of our weaknesses, our sufferings, and our most ordinary moments, Jesus is ever-present, waiting to meet us face-to-face and leave an indelible mark on our lives. May our eyes be opened to see Him, our ears attuned to hear His voice, and our hearts open to embrace the fullness of encountering the Savior.
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