How To Steward Favor


Favor, in its essence, is not something we can earn or demand; it is a gift freely bestowed by our gracious God. Jesus, the Son of Man and the Son of God is the ultimate embodiment of divine favor. His life, death, and resurrection have secured for us the unfailing favor of the Father, granting us access to the fullness of His blessings and the depths of His love.

The Role of Faith in Receiving Favor

Receiving favor requires deep and unwavering faith. It's not enough to simply believe in the existence of Jesus; we must believe in who He is, what He has done, and the power that flows from His blood. When we approach the throne of grace with this kind of faith, we open ourselves up to the outpouring of God's favor, which can manifest in countless ways - from spiritual growth to tangible provision.

The Power of Prayer in Gaining Favor

Gaining favor, however, is not a passive pursuit; it requires the active engagement of prayer. As the reference article highlights, it is in the place of prayer that our faith and the desires of our heart meet, creating a "groaning" that the Lord hears and responds to. Through fervent, Spirit-led prayer, we can wrestle with God, pouring out our hearts and seeking greater access to His presence and purpose for our lives.

Overcoming Obstacles to Seeking Favor

One of the common hindrances to seeking the Lord's favor is the misconception that it serves our own agenda. But the favor of God is not about building our own kingdoms; it’s about aligning ourselves with His kingdom and His will. When we approach the throne of grace with this mindset, we open ourselves up to the transformative power of God's favor, which can lead to greater direction, clarity, and fruitfulness in our lives.

The Parable of the Talents: A Lesson in Stewardship

The parable of the talents offers a powerful illustration of how we are to steward the favor that God has entrusted to us. Just as the servants were given different measures of talents, we each have been granted a unique measure of God's favor and grace. The key is not to bury or hoard this favor but to actively put it to work for the advancement of God's kingdom.

The Importance of Stewarding Favor

Proper stewardship of the favor we've been given is crucial. The servant who buried his talent missed out on the opportunity for increase, while those who invested their talents saw their blessings multiplied. In the same way, we must be vigilant in using the favor we've been entrusted with, allowing it to bear fruit for the glory of God.

Overcoming Fears and Doubts

The journey of receiving and gaining favor is not without its challenges. We may wrestle with fears, doubts, and the temptation to settle for the "bare minimum" of Christianity. But as the reference article encourages, we must resist the urge to give in to comfort and instead boldly step into the vehicle of encounter, allowing the Lord to stretch and grow us in ways we never thought possible.

The Accessibility of Favor

The favor of the Lord is accessible to all who seek it, regardless of their spiritual maturity or the measure of favor they've already received. Whether you're a brand-new believer or a seasoned disciple, the opportunity for increased and deeper intimacy with God is always available.

Cultivating a Posture of Surrender

As we pursue the favor of the Lord, it's crucial that we maintain a posture of surrender. We must be willing to let go of our own agendas and desires, allowing the Lord to guide us into the fullness of His plan. This surrender is not a one-time event, but a daily discipline that opens the door to the transformative power of God's favor.

The Beauty of Encountering God

At the heart of receiving and gaining favor is the deep longing to know God more intimately, to see His vision, and to align our lives with His perfect will. As we step into the vehicle of encounter, we discover the beauty and wonder of the God who is near to us and who desires to reveal Himself in ever-deepening ways.

Conclusion: A Life of Favor-Fueled Purpose

The journey of receiving and gaining the favor of the Lord is not a path of selfish ambition but one of surrender, faith, and a relentless pursuit of knowing Jesus more. As we embrace this calling, we find that our lives become infused with divine purpose, empowered to make an eternal impact for the sake of God's kingdom. May this inspire you to step boldly into the favor-fueled life that God has in store for you.
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